[sig. Ziiv]
And euen for ioy thus of this heate, (20) She sheweth furth her pleasures great. And sleepes no more but sendeth forth Her ciergions her own dere worth. To mount and flye vp to the ayre, Where then they sing in order fayre. (25) And tell in song full merely, How they haue slept full quietly, That night about their mothers sides. And when they haue song more besides, Then fall they to their mothers breastes, (30) Where els they fede or take their restes. The hunter then soundes out his horne, And rangeth straite through wood and corne. On hilles then shew the Ewe and Lambe, And euery yong one with his dambe. (35) Then louers walke and tell their tale, Both of their blisse and of their bale. And how they serue, and how they do, And how their lady loues them to. Then tune the birdes their armonie. (40) Then flocke the foule in companie. Then euery thing doth pleasure finde, In that that comfortes all their kinde. No dreames do drench them of the night, Of foes that would them slea or bite. (45) As Houndes to hunt them at the taile, Or men force them through hill and dale. The shepe then dreames not of the Woulf, The shipman forces not the goulf. The Lambe thinkes not the butchers knife. (50) Should then bereue him of his life. For when the Sunne doth once run in, Then all their gladnes doth begin. And then their skips, and then their play So falles their sadnes then away. (55) And thus all thinges haue comforting, In that that doth them comfort bring, Saue I alas, whom neither sunne, Nor ought that God hath wrought and don, May comfort ought, as though I were (60) A thing not made for comfort here.