[sig. Ziiiiv]
But that my loue doth still encrease, To minde her still and neuer cease. Aud what I feele to be in me, (190) The same good will I think hath she, As firme and fast to biden ay, Till death depart vs both away. And as I haue my tale thus told, Steps vnto me with countenance bold: (195) A stedfast frende a counsellour, And namde is Hope my comfortour. And stoutly then he speakes and saies: Thou hast sayde trouth withouten nayes. For I assure thee euen by othe, (200) And theron take my hand and trothe. That she is one the worthiest, The truest and the faithfullest. The gentlest and the meekest of minde: That here on earth a man may finde, (205) And if that loue and trouth were gone, In her it might be found alone. For in her minde no thought there is, But how she may be true iwis. And tenders thee and all thy heale, (210) And wisheth both thy health and weale. +And loues thee euen as farforth than, As any woman may a man, And is thine own and so she saies, And cares for thee ten thousand waies. +(215) On thee she speakes, on thee she thinkes, With thee she eates, with thee she drinkes. With thee she talkes, with thee she mones, With thee she sighes, with thee she grones. With thee she saies farewell mine own. (220) When thou God knowes full farre art gon. And euen to tell thee all aright, To thee she saies full oft good night. And names thee oft, her owne most dere, Her comfort weale and al her chere. (225) And telles her pelow al the tale, How thou hast doon her wo and bale, And how she longes and plaines for the, And saies why art thou so from me?