[sig. Ziiiir]
(145) A fantaser thou art of some, By whom thy wits are ouercome. But hast thou red old pamphlets ought? Or hast thou known how bokes haue taught That loue doth vse to such as thow, (150) When they do thinke them safe enow. And certain of their ladies grace: Hast thou not sene oft tunes the case, That sodenly there hap hath turnde, As thinges in flame consumde and burnde? (155) Some by disceite forsaken right. Some likwise changed of fansy light. And some by absence sone forgot. The lottes in loue, why knowest thou not? And tho that she be now thine own: (160) And knowes the well as may be knowne. And thinkes the to be such a one, As she likes best to be her own. Thinkes thou that others haue not grace, To shew and plain their wofull case. (165) And chose her for their lady now, And swere her trouth as well as thow. And what if she do alter minde? Where is the loue that thou wouldest finde? Absence my frende workes wonders oft. +(170) Now bringes full low that lay full loft. Now turnes the minde now to and fro, And where art thou if it were so? If basence (quod I) be marueilous, I finde her not so dangerous. (175) For she may not remoue me fro, The poore good will that I do owe To her, whom vnneth I loue and shall. And chosen haue aboue them all, To serue and be her own as far, (180) As any man may offer her. And will her serue, and will her loue, As lowly as it shall behoue. And dye her own if fate be so. Thus shall my hart nay part her fro. (185) And wilnes shall my good will be, That absence takes her not from me.