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Such great deceit, such subtil wittes, the poore to ouerthrow. Such spite in sugred tonges, such malice full of pride, Such open wrong such great vntruth, which cannot go vnspide, Such restlesse sute for rowmes, which bringeth men to care: (10) Such sliding downe from slippery seates, yet can we not beware, Such barking at the good, such bolstering of the ill: Such threatning of the wrath of god, such vice embraced styll. Such striuing for the best, such climing to estate: Such great dissembling euery where, such loue al mixt with hate: (15) Such traines to trap the iust, such prolling fautes to pike, Such cruell woordes for speaking trouth, who euer heard the like? Such strife for sturring strawes, such discorde daily wrought: Such forged tales dul wits to blind, such matters made of nought Such trifles tolde for trouth, such crediting of lies, (20) Such silence kept when fooles do speak, such laughing at the wise, Such plenty made so scarce, such crying for redresse: Such feared signes of our decay, which tong dares not expresse, Such changes lightly markt, such troubles still apperes, which neuer were before this time, no not this thousand yeres. (25) Such bribing for the purse, which euer gapes for more. Such hording vp of worldly welth, such keping mucke in store Such folly founde in age, such will in tender youth, Such sondry sortes among great clerkes, & few that speake that trueth Such falshed vnder craft, and such vnstedfast waies, (30) was neuer seen within mens harts, as is found now a dayes, The cause and grounde of this, is our vnquiet mynde, which thinks to take those goods away, which we must leue behind why do men seke to get which they can not possesse? Or breake their slepes with careful thoughtes & al for wretchednes (35) Though one amonges a skore, hath welth and case a while, A thousand want which toileth sore and trauaile many a myle. And some although they slepe yet welth falles in their lap, Thus some be riche, and some be poore, as fortune geues the hap, wherfore I holde him wise, which thinkes himself at ease, (40) And is content in simple state both god and man to please. For those that liue like gods and honoured are today: within short time their glory failes as flowers do fade away, Uncertaine is their liues on whom this world will frowne: For though they sit aboue the starres, a storme may strike them downe (45) In wealth who feares no fall may slide from ioy full soone: There is nothing so sure on earth, but changeth as the moone. what pleasure hath the riche, or ease more then the poore?