[sig. Xir]
I Read how Troylus serued in Troy, A lady + long and many a day, And how he bode so great anoy, For her as all the stories say. (5) That halfe the paine had neuer man, Which had this wofull Troyan than. His youth, his sport, his pleasant chere, His courtly state and company, In him so straungely altred were, (10) With such a face of contrary. That euery ioy became a wo, This poyson new had turnde him so. And what men thought might most him ease, And most that for his comfort stode, (15) The fame did most his minde displease, And set him most in furious mode. For all his pleasure euer lay, To thinke on her that was away. His chamber was his comon walke, (20) Wherin he kept him secretly, He made his bed the place of talke, To heare his great extremity. In nothing els had he delight. But euen to be a martyr right. (25) And now to call her by her name And straight therwith to sigh and throbbe: And when his fansies might not frame, Then into teares and so to sobbe, All in extreames and thus he lyes, (30) Making two fountaines of his eyes. +As agues haue sharpe shiftes of fits Of cold and heat successiuely: So had his head like change of wits: His pacience wrought so diuersly. (35) Now vp, now down, now here, now there, Like one that was he wist not where. And thus though he were Priams sonne And comen of the kinges hye blood, This care he had ere he her wonne. (40) Till she that was his mantresse good, And lothe to see her seruant so, Became Phisicion to his wo.