[sig. Xiiv]
Then all the daies and nightes mine eare might heare the sound, What carefull sighes my hart would steale, to feele it self so bound. For though within my brest, thy care I worke (he sayde) Why for good will didst thou behold her persing eye displayd, (15) Alas the fishe is caught, through baite that hides the hooke, Euen so her eye me trained hath, and tangled with her looke. But or that it be long, my hart thou shalt be faine, To stay my life pray her forththrow swete lokes when I complain. When that she shall deny, to do me that good turne, (20) Then shall she see to asshes gray, by flames my body burne. Deserte of blame to her no wight may yet impute, For feare of nay I neuer sought, the way to frame my sute. Yet hap that what hap shall, delay I may to long, Assay I shall for I heare say, the still man oft hath wrong.
The louer shewing of the continuall paines
that abide within his brest, determi-
neth to die because he can-
not haue redresse. +
T He dolefull bell that still doth ring, The wofull knell of all my ioyes: The wretched hart doth perce and wring, And fils mine eare with deadly noyes. (5) The hongry Uiper in my brest, That on my hart doth lye and gnaw: +Doth dayly brede my new vnrest, And deper sighes doth cause me draw. And though I force both hand and eye, (10) On pleasant matter to attend: My sorowes to deceiue therby, And wretched life for to amend. Yet goeth the mill within my hart, Which grindeth nought but paine and wo: (15) And turneth all my ioy to smart, The euil corne it yeldeth so. Though Uenus smile with yelding eyes, And swete musicke doth play and sing: Yet doth my sprites feele none of these, (20) The clarke doth at mine eare so ring.