[sig. Xiir]
To leade a vertuous and
honest life. +
F Lee from the prease and dwell with sothfastnes, Suffise to thee thy good though it be small, For horde hath hate, and climing ticklenes, Praise hath enuy, and weall is blinde in all, (5) Fauour + no more, then thee behoue shall. Rede well thy selfe that others well canst rede, And trouth shall thee deliuer, it is no drede. +Paine thee not eche croked to redresse, In hope of her that turneth as a ball, +(10) Great rest standeth in litle businesse, +Beware also to spurne against a nall, Striue not as doth a crocke + against a wall, Deme first thy selfe, that demest others dede, And truth shall thee deliuer, it is no drede. (15) That thee is sent, receiue in buxomnesse, The wrestling of this world asketh a fall: Here is no home, here is but wildernesse. Forth pilgryme forth, forth beast out of thy stall, Looke vp on hye, geue thankes to God of all: (20) weane well thy lust, and honest life ay leade, So trouth shall thee deliuer, it is no dreade.
The wounded louer determineth
to make sute to his lady
for his recure. +
S InsMars first moued warre or stirred men to strife, Was neuer sene so fearce a fight, I scarce could scape with life. Resist so long I did, till death approched so nye, To saue my selfe, I thought it best, with sp
ede away to flye. (5) In daunger still I fled, by flight I thought to scapeFrom my dere foe, it vailed not, alas it was to late. For Uenus from her campe brought Cupide with his bronde, Who sayd now yelde, or els desire shall chace thee in euery londe. Yet would I not straight yelde, till fansy fiercely stroke, (10) Who from my will did cut the raines & charged me with this yoke.
ede away to flye. (5) In daunger still I fled, by flight I thought to scapeFrom my dere foe, it vailed not, alas it was to late. For Uenus from her campe brought Cupide with his bronde, Who sayd now yelde, or els desire shall chace thee in euery londe. Yet would I not straight yelde, till fansy fiercely stroke, (10) Who from my will did cut the raines & charged me with this yoke.