[sig. Xiiiv]
For ioy, for paine, for torment nor for tene. For losse, for gaine, for frowning, nor for thret, (10) But euer one, yea both in calme and blast, Your faithfull friende, and will be to my last.
Against him that had slaundered
a gentle woman with
him selfe. +
F Alse may be, and by the powers aboue, Neuer haue he good spede or lucke in loue, That so can lye or spot the worthy fame, Of her for whom thou R. + art to blame. (5) For chaste Diane that hunteth still the chace, And all her maides that sue her in the race. With faire bowes bent and arrowes by their side, Can say that thou in this hast falsely lide. For neuer hong the bow vpon the wall, +(10) Of Dianes temple, no nor neuer shall. Of broken chaste the sacred vow to spot, Of her whom thou doste charge so large I wot, But if ought be wherof her blame may rise, It is in that she did not well aduise(15) To marke thee right, as now she doth thee know False of thy dede, false of thy talke also. Lurker of kinde like serpent layd to bite, +As poyson hid vnder the suger white. What daunger suche? So was the house defilde, (20) Of Collatine: + so was the wife begilde. So smarted she, and by a trayterous force, The Cartage quene + so she fordid her corse. So strangled was the Rodopeian maide, +Fye traytour fye, to thy shame be it sayd, (25) Thou dunghill Crow that crokest against the rayne, Home to thy hole, brag not with Phebe againe. Carrion for thee, and lothsome be thy voyce, Thy song is fowle, I weary of thy noyce. Thy blacke fethers, which are thy wearing wede, (30) Wet them with teares, and sorow for thy dede. And in darke caues, where yrkesome wormes do crepe, Lurke thou all day, and flye when thou shouldest slepe.