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And so to shed the giltlesse blonde of such as would withstand. Nor I would not desire in worldly rule to raigne. Whose frute is all vnquietnesse, and breaking of the braine. Nor richesse in excesse of vertue so abhorde, (10) I would not craue which bredeth care and causeth all discorde. But my request should be more worth a thousand folde: That I might haue and her enioye that hath my hart in hold. Oh God what lusty life should we liue then for euer, In pleasant ioy and perfect blisse, to length our liues together. (15) With wordes of frendly chere, and lokes of liuely loue, To vtter all our hotte desires, which neuer should remoue. But grose and gredie wittes which grope but on the ground. To gather muck of worldly goodes which oft do them confounde, Can not attaine to knowe the misteries deuine (20) Of perfite loue wherto hie wittes of knowledge do incline. A nigard of his golde such ioye can neuer haue which gettes with toile and kepes with care and is his money slaue, As they enioy alwayes that taste lone in his kinde, For they do holde continually a heauen in their minde. (25) No worldly goodes could bring my hart so great an ease, As for to finde or do the thing that might my ladie please. For by her onely loue my hart should haue al ioye, And with the same put care away, and all that coulde annoy. As if that any thing should chance to make me sadde, (30) The touching of her corall lippes would straightewaies make me gladde, And when that in my heart I fele that dyd me greue With one imbracing of her armes she might me sone releue: And as the Angels al which sit in heauen hye With presence and the sight of god haue their felicitie, (35) So likewyse I in earth, should haue all earthly blis, With presence of that Paragon, my god in earth that is.