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(5) And why therfore I cannot tell, He will no lenger with me dwell. Did you not sewe and long me serue Ere I you graunted grace? And will you this now from me swarue(10) That neuer did trespace? Alas poore woman then alas, A wery lyfe here must I passe. And shal my faith haue such refuseIn dede and shall it so, (15) Is ther no choise for me to chuse But must I leue you so? Alas pore woman then alas, A werye life hence must I pas. And is there now no remedy (20) But that you will forget her? Ther was a time when that perdyYou would haue heard her better. But now that time is gone and past, And all your loue is but a blast. (25) And can you thus breake your behestIn dede and can you so? Did you not sweare you loued me best, And can you now say no? Remember me poore wight in paine, (30) And for my sake turne once againe. Alas poore Dido now I fele Thy present painful state, When false Eneas did hym stele From thee at Carthage gate. (35) And left thee slepyng in thy bed, Regarding not what he had sed, Was neuer woman thus betrayed, Nor man so false forsworne, His faith and trouth so strongly tyed, (40) Untruth hath all totorne: And I haue leaue for my good will To waile and wepe alone my fyll. But since it will not better be, My teares shal neuer blin: (45) To moist the earth in such degree,