[sig. Sir]
A way that would for frowning nor for threte (10) As though he would haue sayd in my behoue. Pity my lord your slaue that doth remaine, Lest by his death, you giltles slay vs twaine.
Of his ring sent to his ladie. +
S Ince thou my ring mayst go where I ne may. Since thou mayst speake, where I must hold my peace. Say vnto her that is my liues stay, Grauen within which I do here expresse: (5) That sooner shall the sunne not shine by day, And with the raine the floods shall waxen lesse. Sooner the tree the hunter shall bewray, Then I for change, or choyce of other loue, Do euer seke my fansy to remoue.
The changeable state
of louers. +
F Or that a restles hed must somwhat haue in vreWherwith it may acquainted be, as falcon is with lure. Fansy doth me awake out of my drowsy slepe, In seing how the litle Mouse, at night begins to crepe. (5) So the desirous man, that longes to catch his pray, In spying how to watch his time, lyeth lurking still by day, In hoping for to haue, and fearing for to finde The salue that should recure his sore, & soroweth but the minde. Such is the guise of loue, and the vncertain state, (10) That some should haue their hoped hap, and other hard estate. That some should seme to ioy in that they neuer had, And some againe shall frown as fast, where causeles they be sad. Such trades do louers vse when they be most at large, That gide the stere when they themselues lye fettred in the barge. (15) The grenesse of my youth cannot therof expresse The processe, for by proofe vn
knowen, all this is but by gesse. Wherfore I hold it best, in time to hold my peace, But wanton will it cannot hold, or make my pen to cease.
knowen, all this is but by gesse. Wherfore I hold it best, in time to hold my peace, But wanton will it cannot hold, or make my pen to cease.