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No louer that hath wit, but can forsee such happe, (10) That no wight can at wish or will slepe in his ladies lappe. Achilles for a time faire Brises did forgo, Yet did they mete with ioye againe, then thinke thou maist do so. Though he and louers al in loue sharpe stormes do finde, Dispaire not thou pore Thestilis though thy loue seme vnkinde, (15) Ah thinke her graffed loue cannot so sone decay, Hie springes may cease from swelling styll, but neuer dry away Oft stormes of louers yre, do more their loue encrease: As shinyng sunne refreshe the fruites when raining gins. When springes are waxen lowe, then must they flow againe, (20) So shall thy hart aduaunced be, to pleasure out of paine. When lacke of thy delight most bitter griefe apperes, Thinke on Etrascus worthy loue that lasted thirty yeres, +Which could not long atcheue his hartes desired choice, Yet at the ende he founde rewarde that made him to reioyce. (25) Since he so long in hope with pacience did remaine, Can not thy feruent loue forbeare thy loue a moneth or twaine? Admit she minde to chaunge and nedes will thee forgo, Is there no mo may thee delyght but she that paynes thee so? Thestilis draw to the towne and loue as thou hast done, (30) In time thou knowest by faythful loue as good as she is wonne. And leaue the desert woodes and waylyng thus alone, And seke to salue thy sore els were, if all her loue be gone.
¶The louer praieth pity showing that
nature hath taught his dog as it
were to sue for the same
by kissing his ladies
handes. +
N Ature that taught my silly dog god wat: Euen for my sake to like where I do loue, Inforced him whereas my lady sat With humble sute before her fallyng flat. (5) As in his sorte he might her pray and moue To rue vpon his lord and not forgete The stedfast faith he beareth her and loue, Kissing her hand whom she could not remoue.