[sig. Qiiv]
Verses written on the picture of sir
Iames wilford knight. +
A Las that euer death such vertues should forlet, As compast was within his corps, whose picture is here set. Or that it euer lay in any fortunes might, Through depe disdain to end his life that was so worthy a wight. (5) For sithe he first began in armour to be clad, A worthier champion then he was, yet England neuer had. And though recure be past, his life to haue againe, Yet would I wish his worthinesse in writing to remaine. That men to minde might call how farre he did excell, (10) At all assayes to wynne the fame, which were to long to tell. And eke the restlesse race that he full oft hath runne, In painfull plight from place to place, where seruice was to don. Then should men well perceiue, my tale to be of trouth, And he to be the worthiest wight that euer nature wrought,
The ladie praieth the returne of
her louer abiding on
the seas. +
S Hall I thus euer long, and be no whit the neare, And shall I still complain to thee, the which me will not heare? Alas say nay, say nay, and be no more so dome, But open thou thy manly mouth, and say that thou wilt come. (5) Wherby my hart may thinke, although I see not thee, That thou wilt come thy word so sware, if thou a liues man be. The roaring hugy waues, they threaten my poore ghost, And tosse thee vp and downe the seas, in daunger to be lost. Shall they not make me feare that they haue swalowed thee, (10) But as thou art most sure aliue, so wilt thou come to me. Wherby I shall go see thy ship ride on the strand, And think and say lo where he comes, and sure here will he land And then I shall lift vp to thee my litle hand, And thou shalt think thine hart in ease, in helth to see me stand. (15) And if thou come in dede (as Christ thee send to do,) These armes which misse thee yet, shall then imbrace thee to. Ech vain to euery ioynt, the liuely blood shall spred,