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Which trode the euen steppes that leaden to renowne, We that remayn aliue, ne suffer shall to waste (10) The fame of his desertes, so shall he lose but sowne, The thing shall aye remayne, aye kept as freshe in store As if his eares should ring of that he wrought before. Wayle not therfore his want, sith he so left the stage Of care and wretched life, with ioy and clappe of handes (15) Who playeth lenger partes, may well haue greater age, But few so well may passe the gulfe of fortunes sandes So tryedly did he treade ay prest at vertues beckeThat fortune found no place to giue him once a checke. The fates haue ryd him hence, who shall not after go, (20) Though earshed be his corps yet florish shall his fame, A gladsome thing it is, that ere he stept vs fro, Such mirrours he vs left our life therby to frame, Wherfore his praise shall last aye freshe in britons sight, Tyll sunne shall cease to shine, and lend the earth his light.
Of the wretchednes in this
world. +
W Ho list to liue vpright, and hold himself content, Shal see such wonders in this world, as neuer erst was sent, Such groping for the swete, such tasting of the sower, Such wandring here for worldly welth that lost is in one hower. (5) And as the good or badde, get vp in hye degree, So wades the world in right or wrong, it may none other bee. And looke what lawes they make, eche man must them obay, And yoke hymself with pacient heart, to dryue and draw that way. Yet such as long ago, great rulers wer assynde, (10) Both liues and lawes are now forgot & worne clene out of mynd. So that by this I see, no state on earth may last But as their times appointed be, to rise and fall as fast, The goodes that gotten be, by good and iust desart, Yet vse them that so neady handes may help to spend the part, (15) For looke what heape thou, hordst of rusty gold in store, Thine enemies shall waste the same, that neuer swat therfore.