Tottel sig. Piiiir

[sig. Piiiir]

As I sat staring on those eyes: Those shining eyes, that first me bound: My inward thought tho cryed: Aryse: Lo, mercy where it may be found. (165) And therewithall I drew me nere: With feble hart, and at a braide, (But it was softly in her care) Mercy, Madame, was all, I sayd. But wo was me, when it was told, (170) For therwithall fainted my breath: And I sate still for to beholde, And heare the iudgement of my death. But Loue nor Hap would not consent, To end me then, but welaway: (175) There gaue me blisse: that I repent To thinke I liue to se this day. For after this I plained styllSo long, and in so piteous wise: That I my wish had at my will (180) Graunted, as I would it deuise. But Lord who euer hard, or knew Of halfe the ioye that I felt than? Or who can thinke it may be true, That so much blisse had euer man? (185) Lo, fortune thus set me aloft: And more my sorowes to releue, Of pleasant ioyes I tasted oft: As much as loue or happe might geue. The sorowes old, I felt before (190) About my hart, were driuen thence: And for ech griefe, I felt afore I had a blisse in recompence. Then thought I all the time well spent: That I in plaint had spent so long. (195) So was I with my life content: That to my self I sayd among. Sins thou art ridde of al thine yll: To shewe thy ioyes set forth thy voyce, And sins thou haste thy wish at will: (200) My happy hart, reioyce, reioyce. Thus felt I ioyes a great deale mo, Then by my song may well be tolde: