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Of which degrees we make, in the first moouing heauen, Three hundred and threscore in partes iustly deuided euen. And yet there is another betwene those heauens two: (40) Whose mouing is so sly so slack: I name it not for now. +The seuenth heauen or the shell next to the starry sky, All those degrees that gatherth vp, with aged pase so sly: And doth performe the same, as elders count hath bene. In nine and twenty yeres complete, and daies almost sixtene: (45) Doth carry in his bowt the starre of Saturne old: A threatner of all liuing things, with drought and with his cold. The sixt whom this conteins doth stalke with yonger pase: And in twelue yere doth somwhat more then thothers viage was. And this in it doth beare the starre of Ioue benigne, (50) T’wene Saturns malice and vs men, frendly defending signe. The fift bears bloody Mars, that in three hundred daies, And twise eleuen with one full yere, hath finisht all those waies. A yere doth aske the fourth, and howers therto sixe, And in the same the daies eye the sunne, therin he stickes. (55) The third that gouernd is by that, that gouerns mee: And loue for loue, and for no loue prouokes: as oft we see: In like space doth performe that course, that did the tother. So doth the next vnto the same, that second is in order. But it doth beare the starre, that cald is Mercury: (60) That many a crafty secrete steppe doth tread, as Calcars try. That sky is last, and fixt next vs, those waies hath gone, In seuen and twenty common daies, and eke the third of one: And beareth with his sway, the diuers Moone about: Now bright, now brown, now bent, now ful, & now her light is out. (65) Thus haue they of their own + two mouinges all these seuen One, wherein they be caried still, eche in his seuerall heauen, An other of them selues, where their bodies be layd In bywaies, and in lesser rowndes, as I afore haue sayd. Saue of them all the Sunne doth stray lest from the streight, (70) The starry sky hath but one course, that we haue cald the eight. And all these moouinges eight are ment from West to East: Although they seme to clime aloft, I say from East to west. But that is but by force of the first mouing sky: In twise twelue houres from east to east that carieth them by &
amp; by(75) But marke we well also, these mouinges of these seuen, Be not about the axell tree of the first mouing heuen. For they haue their two poles directly tone to the tother. &c.
amp; by(75) But marke we well also, these mouinges of these seuen, Be not about the axell tree of the first mouing heuen. For they haue their two poles directly tone to the tother. &c.
T. WYATE the elder.