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Thus varied he in minde, what enterprise to take: Till fansy moued his learned hand a woman fayre to make. Whereon he stayde, and thought such parfite fourme to frame: Whereby he might amaze all Grece, and winne immortall name. (15) Of yuorie white he made so faire a woman than: That nature scornd her perfitnesse so taught by craft of man. Wel shaped were her lims, ful comly was her face: Ech litle vain most liuely coucht, eche part had semely grace. Twixt nature & Pigmalion, there might appere great strife, (20) So semely was this ymage wrought, it lackt nothing but life. His curious eye beheld his own deuised work: And, gasing oft thereon, he found much venome there to lurk. For all the featurde shape so did his fansie moue: That, with his idoll, whom he made, Pygmalion fell in loue. (25) To whom he honour gaue, and deckt with garlandes swete. And did adourn with iewels rich, as is for louers mete. Somtimes on it he fawnd: somtime in rage would cry: It was a wonder to behold, how fansy bleard his eye. Since that this ymage dum enflamde so wise a man: (30) My dere alas, since I you loue, what wonder is it than? In whom hath nature set the glory of her name: And brake her moulde, in great dispaire, your like she coulde not frame.
The louer sheweth his wofull
state, and praieth pitie. +
L Yke as the Larke within the Marlians foote With piteous tunes doth chirp her yelden lay: +So sing I now, seyng none other boote, My rendering song, and to your will obey. (5) Your vertue mountes aboue my force so hye. And with your beautie seased I am so sure: That there auails resistance none in me, But paciently your pleasure to endure. For on your will my fansy shall attend: (10) My life, my death, I put both in your choyce: And rather had this life by you to end, Than liue, by other alwayes to reioyce. And if your crueltie do thirst my blood: Then let it forth if it may do you good.