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Since death shall dure, till all the world be wast. (20) what meaneth man to drede death then so sore? As man might make, that life should alway last. Without regard, the lord hath led before The daunce of death, which all must runne on row: Though how, or when: the Lord alone doth know. (25) If man would minde, what burdens life doth bring: What greuous crimes to God he doth commit: What plages, what panges, what perilles thereby spring: With no sure hower in all his daies to sit: He would sure think, as with great cause I do: (30) The day of death were better of the two. Death is a port, wherby we passe to ioy. Life is a lake, that drowneth all in payn. Death is so dere, it ceaseth all annoy. Life is so leude, that all it yeldes is vayn. (35) And as by life to bondage man is braught: Euen so likewise by death was fredome wraught. +Wherfore with Paul, + let all men wish and pray To be dissolude of this foule fleshly masse: Or at the least be armde against the day: (40) That they be found good souldiers, prest to passe From life to death: from death to life again To such a life, as euer shall remain.
The tale of Pigmalion with con-
clusion vpon the beautie
of his loue. +
I N Grece somtime there dwelt a man of worthy fame: To graue in stone his cunning was: Pygmalion was his name, To make his fame endure, when death had him bereft: He thought it good, of his own hand some filed worke were left. (5) In secrete studie then such worke he gan deuise, As might his cunning best commend, and please the lookers eyes. A courser faire he thought to graue, barbd for the field: And on his back a semely knight, well armd with speare & shield: Or els some foule, or fish to graue he did deuise: (10) And still, within his wandering thoughtes, new fansies did arise.