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(75) To be the right of a Princes raygne. I can not I, no, no, it will not be. This is the cause that I could neuer yet Hang on their sleues, that weygh (as thou mayst se) A chippe of chance more then a pounde of wit. +(80) This maketh me at home to hunt and hauke: And in fowle wether at my booke to sit: In frost and snow, then with my bowe to stalke. No man doth marke where so I ride or go. In lusty leas at libertie I walke: (85) And of these newes I fele nor weale nor wo: Saue that a clogge doth hang yet at my heele. No force for that, for it is ordred so: That I may leape both hedge and dike full wele, I am not now in Fraunce, to iudge the wine: +(90) with sauery sauce those delicates to fele. Nor yet in Spaine where one must him incline, Rather then to be, outwardly to seme. I meddle not with wyttes that be so fyne, Nor Flaunders chere lettes not my syght to deme (95) Of blacke, and white, nor takes my wittes away wyth beastlinesse: such do those beastes esteme. +Nor I am not, where truth is geuen in pray, For money, poyson, and treason: of some A common practise, vsed nyght and day. (100) But I am here in kent and christendome: +Among the Muses, where I reade and ryme, Where if thou list myne owne Ihon Poyns to come: Thou shalt be iudge, how I do spende my time.