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Call craft counsaile, for lucre still to paint. I can not wrest the law to fill the coffer: (35) with innocent bloud to fede my selfe fatte: And do most hurt: where that most helpe I offer. I am not he, that can alow the state Of hye Ceasar , and damne Cato to dye: That with his death did scape out of the gate, (40) From Ceasars handes, if Liuye doth not lye: And would not liue, where libertie was lost, So did his hart the common wealth apply. I am not he, such eloquence to bost: To make the crow in singyng, as the swanne: (45) Nor call the lyon of coward beastes the most. That can not take a mouse, as the cat can. And he that dieth for honger of the golde, Call him Alexander , and say that Pan Passeth Appollo in musike manifold: (50) Praise syr Topas for a noble tale, And scorne the story that the knight tolde: +Praise him for counsell, that is dronke of ale: Grinne when he laughes, that beareth al the sway: Frowne, when he frownes: and grone when he is pale: (55) On others lust to hang both night and day. None of these poyntes would euer frame in me. My wit is nought, I can not learne the way. And much the lesse of thinges that greater be, That asken helpe of colours to deuise (60) To ioyne the meane with ech extremitie: With nearest vertue ay to cloke the vice. +And as to purpose likewise it shall fall: To presse the vertue that it may not rise. As dronkennesse good fellowship to call: (65) The frendly foe, with his faire double face, Say he is gentle and curties therewithall. Affirme that fauel hath a goodly grace, In eloquence: And cruelty to name Zeale of Iustice: And change in time and place. (70) And he that suffereth offence without blame: Call him pitifull, + and him true and plaine, That rayleth rechlesse vnto ech mans shame. Say he is rude, that can not lye and faine: The letcher a louer, and tyranny