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Learne at the ladde, that in a long white cote, From vnder the stall, withouten landes or feese, Hath lept into the shoppe: + who knowes by rote (50) This rule that I haue told thee here before. Sometime also rich age beginnes to dote, Se thou when there thy gaine may be the more, Stay him by the arme, where so he walke or go: Be nere alway, and if he coughe to sore: (55) What he hath spit treade out, and please him so. A diligent knaue that pikes his masters purse, May please him so, that he withouten moExecutour is. And what is he the wurse? But if so chance, thou get nought of the man: (60) The wydow may for all thy paine disburse. A riueld skynne, a stinkyng breath, what than? A tothelesse mouth shall do thy lippes no harme. The golde is good, and though she curse or banne: Yet where thee list, thou mayest lye good and warme. (65) Let the olde mule bite vpon the bridle: +Whilst there do lye a sweter in thy arme. In this also se that thou be not idle: Thy nece, thy cosyn, sister, or thy daughter, If she bee faire: if handsome be her middle: (70) If thy better hath her loue besought her: Auaunce his cause, and he shall helpe thy nede. It is but loue, turne thou it to a laughter. But ware I say, so gold thee helpe and spede: That in this case thou be not so vnwise, (75) As Pandar + was in such a like dede. For he the fole of conscience was so nice: That he no gaine would haue for all his paine. Be next thy selfe for frendshyp beares no price. Laughest thou at me, why? do I speake in vaine? (80) No not at thee, but at thy thrifty iest. Wouldest thou, I should for any losse or gayne, Change that for golde, that I haue tane for best. Next godly thinges: to haue an honest name? Should I leaue that? then take me for a beast. (85) Nay then farewell, and if thou care for shame: Content thee then with honest pouertie: wyth free tong, what thee mislikes, to blame, And for thy trouth sometime aduersitie.