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(5) Reason hath set them in so sure a place: That length of yeares their force can neuer waste. When I remember this, and eke the case, wherin thou standst: I thought forthwith to write (Brian) to thee: who knowes how great a grace (10) In writyng is to counsayle man the right. To thee therfore that trottes styll vp and downe: And neuer restes, but runnyng day and nyght, From realme to realme, from citie strete, and towne. Why doest thou weare thy body to the bones? (15) And mightest at home slepe in thy bedde of downe: And drinke good ale so nappy for the nones: +Fede thy selfe fatte, and heape vp pounde by pound. Likest thou not this? No. Why? For swine so groinesIn stye, and chaw dung moulded on the ground. (20) And driuell on pearles with heade styll in the maunger, +So of the harpe the asse doth heare the sound. +So sackes of durt be filde. The neat courtier So serues for lesse, then do these fatted swine. Though I seme leane and drye, withouten moyster: (25) Yet wyll I serue my prince, my lord and thyne. And let them liue to fede the paunch that list: So I may liue to fede both me and myne. By God well said. But what and if thou wistHow to bring in, as fast as thou doest spende. +(30) That would I learne. And it shal not be mist, To tell thee how. Now harke what I intende. Thou knowest well first, who so can seke to please, Shall purchase frendes: where trouth shall but offend. +Flee therefore truth, it is both welth and ease. (35) For though that trouth of euery man hath praise: Full neare that winde goeth trouth in great misease. +Use vertue, as it goeth now a dayes: In worde alone to make thy language swete: And of thy dede, yet do not as thou saies. (40) Els be thou sure: thou shalt be farre vnmete To get thy breade, ech thyng is now so skant. Seke styll thy profit vpon thy bare fete. Lend in no wise: for feare that thou do want: Unlesse it be, as to a calfe a chese: +(45) But if thou can be sure to winne a cantOf halfe at least. It is not good to leese.