[sig. Lir]
La. What may I do, if thy self cause thy smart? Lo. Heare my request, and rew weying chere. La. With right good will, say on: lo, I thee here. Lo. That thing would I, that maketh two content. (10) La. Thou sekest, perchance, of me, that I may not. Lo. Would god, thou wouldst, as thou maist, well assent. La. That I may not, the grief is mine: God wot. Lo. But I it fele, what so thy wordes haue ment. La. Suspect me not: my wordes be not forgot. (15) Lo. Then say, alas: shall I haue helpe? or no. La. I see no time to answer, yea, but no. Lo. Say ye, dere hart: and stand no more in dout. La. I may not grant a thing, that is so dere Lo. Lo, with delaies thou drieues me still about. (20) La. Thou wouldest my death: it plainly doth appere. Lo. First, may my hart his blood, and life blede out La. Then for my sake, alas, thy will forbere. Lo. From day to day, thus wastes my life away. La. Yet, for the best, suffer some small delay. (25) Lo. Now, good, say yea: do once so good a dede. La. If I sayd yea: what should therof ensue? Lo. An hart in pain of succour so should spede. Twixt yea, and nay, my doute shal still renew. My swete, say yea: and do away this drede. (30) La. Thou wilt nedes so: be it so: but then be trew. Lo. Nought would I els, nor other treasure none, Thus, hartes be wonne, by loue, request, and mone.
why loue is blind. +
O f purpose, loue chose first for to be blinde: For, he with sight of that, that I beholde, Uanquisht had been, against all godly kinde. His bow your hand, and trusse should haue vnfolde.(5) And he with me to serue had bene assinde. But, for he blinde, and recklesse would him holde:And still, by chance, his dedly strokes bestowe: With such, as see, I serue, and suffer wo.