[sig. Liiiv]
(10) By short death better to be deliuered, Than bide in painfull life, thraldome, and doler, Small is the pleasure where much pain we suffer. Rather therfore to chuse me thinketh wisdome, By losse of life libertie, then life by prison. (15) And yet me thinkes although I liue and suffer. I do but waite a time and fortunes chance: Oft many thinges do happen in one houer. That which opprest me now may me aduance. In time is trust which by deathes greuance (20) Is wholy lost. Then were it not reason, By death to chuse libertie, and not life by prison. But death wer deliuerance wher life lengthens pain. Of these two ylles let see now chuse the best: This bird to deliuer that here doth plain, (25) what say ye louers? which shall be the best? In cage thraldome, or by the Hawke opprest. And which to chuse make plain conclusion, By losse of life libertie, or life by prison.
Against hourders of money. +
F Or shamfast harm of great, and hatefull nede: In depe dispair, + as did a wretch go, With ready corde, out of his life to spede: His stumbling foote did finde an hoorde, lo, (5) Of gold, I say: where he preparde this dede: And in eschange, he left the corde, tho. He, that had hid the gold, and found it not: Of that, he found, he shapte his neck a knot.
Discription of a gonne. +
V Ulcane begat me: Minerua me taught: Nature, my mother: Craft nourisht me yere by yere: +Thre bodies are my foode: + my strength is in naught: +Anger, wrath, wast, and noyce are my children dere, (5) Gesse friend, what I am: and how I am wraught: Monster of sea, or of land, or of els where. Know me, and vse me: and I may thee defend: And if I be thine enmy, I may thy life end,