[sig. Kiv]
Farewell, I say, departing from the fire. For, he, that doth beleue bearing in hand: Ploweth in the water: and soweth in the sand. +
The louer describeth his
restlesse state. +
T He flaming sighes that boyle within my brest Somtime breake forth and thei can well declare The hartes vnrest and how that it doth fare, The pain therof the grief and all the rest. (5) The watred eyen from whence the teares do fall, Do fele some force + or els they would be dry: The wasted flesh of colour ded can try, And somtime tell what swetenes is in gall. And he that lust to see and to disarne, (10) How care can force within a weried minde: Come he to me I am that place assinde, But for all this no force it doth no harme. The wound alas happe in some other place: From whence no toole away the skar can race. +(15) But you that of such like haue had your part, Can best be iudge. Wherfore my friend so deare: I thought it good my state should now appeare. To you and that there is no great desart. And wheras you in weighty matters great: (20) Of fortune saw the shadow that you know, For trifling thinges I now am striken so That though I fele my hart doth wound and beat: I sit alone saue on the second day: My feuer comes with whom I spend my time, (25) In burning heat while that she list assigne. +And who hath helth and libertie alway: Let him thank God and let him not prouoke, To haue the like of this my painfull stroke.