[sig. Kiiiv]
And yet I trust ere that I dye to see that I require The resting place of loue: where vertue dwelles and growes There I desire, my wery life, somtime, may take repose. (95) My song: thou shalt attain to finde that pleasant place: Where she doth liue, by whō I liue: may chance to haue this grace when she hath red, and sene the grief, wherin I serue: Betwene her brestes she shall thee put: there, shall she the reserue. Then, tell her, that I come: she shall me shortly see: (100) And if for waighte the body fayle, the soule shall to her flee.
The louer blameth his loue for
renting of the letter he
sent her. +
S Uffised not (madame) that you did teare, My woful hart, but thus also to rent: The weping paper that to you I sent. Wherof eche letter was written with a teare. (5) Could not my present paines, alas suffise. Your gredy hart? and that my hart doth fele, Tormentes that prick more sharper thenthe stele, But new and new must to my lot arise. Use then my death. So shall your cruelty: (10) Spite of your spite rid me from all my smart, And I no more such tormentes of the hart: Fele as I do. This shall you gain thereby.
The louer curseth the time when
first he fell in loue. +
W Hen first mine eyes did view, and marke, Thy faire beawtie to behold: And when mine eares listned to harke: The pleasant wordes, that thou me told: (5) I would as then, I had been free, From eares to heare, and eyes to see. And when my lips gan first to moue, Wherby my hart to thee was knowne: And when my tong did talk of loue,