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(10) To thee that hast true loue down throwne: I would, my lips, and tong also: Had then bene dum, no deale to go. And when my handes haue handled ought, That thee hath kept in memorie: (15) And when my feete haue gone, and sought To finde and get thee companie: I would, eche hand a foote had bene, And I eche foote a hand had sene. And when in minde I did consent (20) To folow this my fansies will: And when my hart did first relent, To taste such bayt, my life to spill: I would, my hart had bene as thine: Or els thy hart had bene, as mine.
The louer determineth to
serue faithfully. +
S Ynce loue will nedes, that I shall loue: Of very force I must agree. And since no chance may it remoue: In wealth, and in aduersitie, (5) I shall alway my self apply To serue and suffer paciently. Though for good will I finde but hate: And cruelty my life to wast: And though that still a wretched state (10) Should pine my daies vnto the last: Yet I professe it willingly, To serue, and suffer paciently. For since my hart is bound to serue: And I not ruler of mine owne: (15) what so befall, till that I sterue, By proofe full well it shall be knowne: That I shall still my selfe apply To serue, and suffer paciently. Yea though my grief finde no redresse: (20) But still increase before mine eyes: Though my reward be cruelnesse, With all the harme, happe can deuise: