[ sig. Iiiv]
V Nwarely so was neuer no man caught, With stedfast loke vpon a goodly face: As I of late: for sodainely me thought, My hart was torne out of hys place. (5) Thorow mine eye the stroke from hers did slide, And downe directly to my hart it ranne: +In helpe wherof the blood therto did glide, And left my face both pale and wanne. +Then was I like a man for wo amased: (10) Or like the fowle + that fleeth into the fier. For while that I vpon her beauty gased: The more I burnd in my desire. Anone the bloud start in my face againe, Inflamde with heat, that it had at my hart. (15) And brought therwith through out in euery vayne, A quaking heate with pleasant smart. Then was I like the straw, when that the flame Is driuen therin, by force, and rage of winde, I can not tell, alas, what I shall blame: (20) Nor what to seke, nor what to finde. But well I wot: the griefe doth hold me soreIn heat and cold, betwixt both hope and dreade: That, but her helpe to health do me restore: This restlesse life I may not lead.
To his louer to loke vpon
him. +
A L in thy loke my life doth whole depende. Thou hydest thy self, and I must dye therfore, But sins thou mayst so easily helpe thy frend: Why dost thou stick to salue that thou madest sore? (5) why do I dye? sins thou maist me defend: And if I dye, thy lyfe may last no more. For eche by other doth liue and haue reliefe, I in thy loke, and thou most in my griefe.