[sig. Iiiiv]
Then this that you haue wrought, You must it now redresse, Of ryght therfore you ought (40) Such rigour to represse. And as I haue deserued: So graunt me now my hire: You know I neuer swarued. You neuer founde me lier. (45) For Rachel haue I serued, For Lea cared I neuer: +And her I haue reserued Within my hart for euer.
Of such as had forsaken him. +
L Ux, my faire fawlcon, and thy felowes all: How well pleasant it were your libertie: Ye not forsake me, that faire mought you fal. +But they that sometime liked my company: (5) Like lice away from deade bodies they crall. Loe, what a proofe in light aduersitie? But ye my birdes, I sweare by all your belles, Ye be my frendes, and very few elles.
A description of such a one as
he would loue. +
A Face that should content me wonderous wel, Should not be faire, but louely to behold: Of liuely loke, all griefe for to repel: With right good grace, so would I that it should (5) Speake without word, such wordes as none can tel. Her tresse also should be of crisped gold. With wit, and these perchance I might be tride, And knit againe with knot, that should not slide. +