[sig. Giiv-b]
- In winters iust return. 8
- If care do cause men cry 15
- In the rude age. 17
- If waker care. 20
- I finde no peace. 21
- It may be good. 23
- In faith I wote not. 24
- If euer man might him 32
- If amorous faith. 36
- It burneth yet alas. 40
- I see that chaunce hath 41
- If thou wilt mighty be. 43
- In court to serue. 44
- In doutfull brest. 45
- If euer wofull man. 50
- If right be rackt. 51
- In Grece sometime 52
- It is no fire. 62
- I lent my loue to losse. 64
- In seking rest, 66
- I see there is no sort. 71
- I lothe that I did loue. 72
- If it wer so that God 75
- In fredom was my fantasy 76
- I rede how Troilus 81
- I heard when fame. 84
- I ne can close in short. 85
- It was the day on which 90
- I that Ulisses yeres. 95
- If that thy wicked wife 99
- I would I found not. 104
- I sely Haw. 107
- In bayes I bost. 109
- In court as I beheld. 110
- Imps of king Ioue. 113
- In working well. 113
- L Oue that liueth 4
- Layd in my quiet bed. 18
- Lux, my fair falcon. 35
- Loue, fortune, & my minde. 36
- Like vnto these vnmesu. 36
- Like as the bird with 43
- Like as the Lark. 52
- Lo here the end of man. 56
- Like as the brake. 78
- Like as the rage of raine. 80
- Like the Phenix a bird 88
- Loe ded he liues. 89
- Loe here lieth G. 98
- M Artial, the thinges. 16
- My Ratclif, when 18
- My galley charged. 22
- Madame withouten 23
- Myne old dere enmy. 25
- Maruell no’more altho. 27
- My loue to scorne. 29
- My lute awake. 33
- My hart I gaue thee. 37
- Mistrustfull mindes 40
- My mothers maides 45
- Mine own I. Poins. 46
- My youthfull yeres 70
- N Ature that gaue the bee 34
- Nature that taught 68
- Not like a God came 95
- No ioy haue I. 104
- Now clattering armes. 115
- O Happy dames that may 8
- O lothsome place wher 11
- Of thy life, Thomas. 16
- Ones, as me thought, 33
- Of purpose loue chose 41
- Of Carthage he 44
- O euell tongs. 54
- O temerous tauntresse. 74
- O Petrarke hed, 74