[sig. Giir]
Or other gift, geuen to me of nature? That sooner shalbe changed my weried sprite: Then the obstinate will, that is my ruler. (40) So robbeth he my freedom with displeasure, This wicked traytour, whom I thus accuse: That bitter life hath turned in pleasant vse. He hath me hasted, through diuers regions: Through desert woods, and sharp hye mountaines: (45) Through froward people, and through bitter passions: Through rocky seas, and ouer hilles and plaines: With wery trauell, and with laborous paines: Alwaies in trouble and in tediousnesse: All in errour, and dangerous distresse. (50) But nother he, nor she, my tother so, For all my flight, did euer me forsake: That though my timely death hath been to slow That me as yet, it hath not ouertake: The heauenly Gods of pitie do it slake. (55) And, note they this his cruell tiranny, That feedes him, with my care, and misery. Sins I was his, hower rested I neuer, Nor looke to do: and eke the waky nightes The baneshed slepe may in no wise recouer. (60) By guile, and force, ouer my thralled sprites, He is ruler: sins which bell neuer strikes, That I heare not as sounding to renue My plaintes. Himself, be knoweth, that I say true. For neuer wormes old rotten stocke haue eaten: (65) As he my hart, where he is resident And doth the same with death dayly threaten. Thence come the teares, and thence the bitter torment: The sighes: the wordes, and eke the languishment: That noy both me, and parauenture other. (70) Iudge thou: that knowest the one, and eke the tother, Mine aduersair, with such greuous reproofe, Thus he began. Heare Lady, thother part: That the plain troth, from which he draweth aloose, This vnkinde man may shew, ere that I part. (75) In his yong age, I toke him from that art, That selleth wordes, and makes a clattering knight: And of my wealth I gaue him the delight. Now shames he not on me for to complain,