[sig. Giir-b]
- A Las so al things now. 5
- Although I had a chek 10
- As oft as I behold 12
- Auising the bright 22
- Alas madam for steling. 23
- Accused though I be. 29
- All in thy loke my life 34
- A face that shold content. 35
- A lady gaue me a gift 42
- A spending hand 47
- Alas that euer death. 62
- A student at his boke 64
- As cypresse tree. 74
- Among dame natures. 77
- All ye that frendship 78
- As I haue ben so wil 79
- At libertie I sit and see 80
- As laurel leaues. 83
- A kinde of cole is. 97
- A man may liue thrise 100
- Ah loue how waiward 102
- A cruel Tiger. 107
- Ah libertie now haue I 107
- Adieu desert, how art 108
- Alas when shal I ioy 112
- B Ritle beautie that 5
- Because I stil kept 21
- Behold loue thy power. 28
- By fortune as I lay 55
- Behold my picture 70
- Bewail with me 70
- C Esar when that the. 21
- Cruel vnkinde. 74
- Complain we may. 96
- D Iuers thy death. 16
- Disdain me not. 31
- Desire alas my maister 41
- Driuen by desire I did. 44
- Death and the king. 78
- Do all your dedes by 97
- Do way your phisick. 106
- E Ch beast can choose 14
- Eche man me telth 21
- Euer my hap is slack. 36
- Experience now doth 67
- Ech thing I see hath 69
- F Rom Tuscan came. 5
- Farewell the hart of 24
- From these hye hilles 25
- For want of will in wo. 31
- Farewell loue. 37
- For shamefast harme. 43
- Full faire and white she is 61
- For that a restlesse hed 69
- Flee from the prease. 82
- For loue Apollo. 83
- False may he be. 83
- From worldly wo 99
- Farewell thou frosen hart 111
- For Tully late. 117
- G Ood ladies ye that. 9
- Geue place ye louers 10
- Girt in my giltlesse gown 13
- Go burning sighes. 38
- Geue place ye ladies 67
- H E is not dead that. 29
- How oft haue I. 36
- Holding my peace. 107
- I N Cyprus springes 5
- I neuer saw my L. lay 6