[sig. Giiiv-b]
- The vertue of Ulisses 100
- To false report 100
- To walke on doutfull 101
- To trust the fained face 102
- The blinded boy. 103
- The wisest way, thy bote 104
- The auncient time com. 113
- Therfore when restlesse. 116
- The long loue that in my
- V Nstable dreame. 20
- Unwarely so was 34
- Uenemous thornes 42
- Uulcan begat me. 43
- Unto the liuing Lord. 57
- Uain is the fleting welth 106
- VV Hen youth had led me 3
- When somer toke in 4
- When Windsor walles. 5
- When raging loue. 7
- Wrapt in my carelesse 13
- Wiat restes here. 16
- Was neuer file. 19
- What nedes these threat. 23
- Where shall I haue. 27
- What man hath heard 28
- What vaileth trouth. 29
- Within my brest I neuer 30
- When first mine eyes 39
- What rage is this 41
- What word is that 42
- When Dido feasted first 49
- Who iustly may reioyse 51
- Who list to liue vpright 57
- What thing is that 62
- Who craftly castes to stere 64
- When dredfull swelling 65
- When Audley had ron 69
- When Cupide scaled 71
- With Petrark to compare. 74
- Why fearest thow thy 85
- Who loues to liue in peace 86
- Walking the path. 87
- What harder is then stone 89
- Who list to leade a quiet 97
- Whom fansie forced 100
- Whoso that wisely weies 104
- when Phebus had 110
- What one art thow 113
- What path list you to 114
- What race of life ron you 114
- Y Et was I neuer of 19
- Ye that in loue finde 20
- Your lokes so often 30
- Yet ones again my Muse 85
- Ye that in play peruse 89
- Your borrowd mean. 98
- You are to yong. 111