[sig. Giiir-b]
- O lingring make. 89
- Of all the heauenly giftes 114
- P Asse foorth my wonted 30
- Perdie I sayd it not. 35
- Philida was a fair maide 55
- Procrin that sometime 87
- R Ight true it is. 23
- Resound my voyce. 24
- Resigne ye dames. 112
- S Uch wayward wayes 3
- So cruel prison 6
- Set me wheras the sun. 6
- Sins fortunes wrath. 13
- Such vain thought as 20
- Some foules there be. 21
- She sat and sowed. 28
- Somtime I fled the fire. 29
- Such is the course. 33
- So feble is the thred 38
- Sufficed not, madame. 39
- Since loue wil nedes 40
- Speake thou and speede. 42
- Sighes are my speede 44
- Stand who so list. 44
- Sithe singing gladdeth 58
- Shall I thus euer long. 62
- Sithe that the way to 63
- Sins thou my ring. 69
- Such grene to me. 79
- Sins Mars first moued 82
- Stay gentle frend. 99
- Some men wold think. 105
- Such wayward waies. 105
- T He sunne hath twise 2
- The soote season that 2
- The golden gift. 6
- To dearely had I bought. 11
- Though I regarded not 12
- The great Macedon. 16
- Thassyrian king. 17
- The fansie which that I 18
- The stormes are past. 18
- The liuely sparkes 19
- They flee from me. 22
- The wandring gadling 23
- The restfull place, renewer 25
- The furious gonne. 29
- The answer that ye made. 32
- The enmy of life. 33
- The flaming sighes that 37
- The piller perisht is 37
- Throughout the world 44
- Tagus farewell. 44
- The life is long. 51
- The longer life the more 53
- To this my song geue eare 53
- The plage is great. 54
- The restlesse rage of 54
- The doutfull man hath 63
- The winter with his 65
- Thestilis a sely man 67
- Thestilis thou sely man 68
- To liue to dye. 73
- The smoky sighes. 73
- The shining season. 74
- To leue alas, who wold 75
- To my mishap alas 77
- The golden apple. 79
- The coward oft. 79
- Though in the waxe. 79
- The dolefull bell. 82
- The sucking fame. 86
- The soules that lacked 88
- The sun when he hath 90
- The secret flame that 93
- The bird that somtime, 94
- Thou Cupide God 95