[sig. Fiiv]
(5) And bitter findes the swete, vnder his gise. What webbes there he + hath wrought, well he perceaueth Whereby then with him self on loue he plaineth, That spurs with fire, and bridleth eke with yse. In such extremitie thus is he brought: (10) Frosen now cold, and now he standes in flame: Twixt wo and wealth: betwixt earnest and game: With seldome glad, and many a diuers thought: In sore repentance of his hardinesse, Of such a roote lo cometh frute frutelesse. +
The louer sheweth how he is for-
saken of such as he som-
time enioyed. +
T Hey flee from me, that sometime did me seke With naked foote stalking within my chamber. Once haue I seen them gentle, tame, and meke, That now are wild, and do not once remember (5) That sometime they haue put them selues in danger, To take bread at my hand, and now they range, Busily seking in continuall change. Thanked be fortune, it hath been otherwise Twenty times better: but once especiall, (10) In thynne aray, after a pleasant gise, When her loose gown did from her shoulders fall, And she me caught in her armes long and small, And therwithall, so swetely did me kisse, And softly sayd: deare hart how like you this? (15) It was no dreame: for I lay broade awaking. But all is turnde now through my gentlenesse, Into a bitter fashion of forsaking. And I haue leaue to go of her goodnesse, And she also to vse newfanglenesse. +(20) But, sins that I unkindly so am serued: How like you this, what hath she now deserued?