[sig. Fiiiiv]
I N faith I wot not what to say, Thy chaunces ben so wonderous, Thou fortune with thy diuers play That makst the ioyful dolourous, (5) And eke the same right ioyous. Yet though thy chaine hath me enwrapt Spite of thy hap, hap hath wel hapt. Though thou hast set me for a wonder, And sekest by change to do me paine: (10) Mens mindes yet maist thou not so order. For honestie if it remaine, Shal shine for all thy cloudy raine. In vaine thou sekest to haue me trapt, Spite of thy hap, hap hath well hapt. (15) In hindring me, me didst thou further, And made a gap where was a stile. +Cruel willes ben oft put vnder. Wening to lower, then didst thou smile, Lord, how thy selfe thou didst begile, (20) That in thy cares wouldst me haue wrapt? But spite of hap, hap hath wel hapt.
A renouncing of hardly
escaped loue +
F Arewell the hart of crueltie. Though that with paine my libertie Deare haue I bought, and wofully Finisht my feareful tragedy, (5) Of force I must forsake such pleasure: A good cause iust, sins I endure Therby my wo, which be ye sure, Shal therwith go me to recure. I fare as one escapt that fleeth, (10) Glad he is gone, and yet still feareth Spied to be caught, and so dredeth That he for nought his paine leseth. In ioyfull paine reioice my hart, Thus to sustaine of ech a part.