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That in his hed so rare a iewell beares. (110) But ouer all, those same Camenes, + those same Deuine Camenes, whose honour he procurde, As tender parent doth his daughters weal: Lamented: and for thankes all that they can, Do cherish’him deceast, and set him free, (115) From dark obliuion of deuouring death.
Marcus Tullius Ciceroes
death. +
T Herfore, when restlesse rage of winde, and waue Hee saw: By fates, alas calld for (quod hee) Is haplesseCicero : sayl on, shape course To the next shore, and bring me to my death. (5) Perdy these thanks, reskued from ciuill swoord, Wilt thou my countrey paye? I see mine end: So powers diuine, so bid the gods aboue, In citie saued that Consul Marcus shend. Speakyng no more, but drawyng from deep hart (10) Great grones, euen at the name of Rome rehearst: His eies and chekes, with showrs of teares, he washt, And (though a rout in dayly daungers worne) With forced face, the shipmen held their teares: And, striuyng long the seas rough, floods to passe, (15) In angry windes, and stormy showres made way: And at the last, safe ancred in the rode. +Came heauy Cicero a land: with pain, His fainted lims the aged sire doth draw: And, round about their master stood his band: (20) Nor greatly with their owne hard hap dismayd, Nor plighted fayth, proue in sharp time to break: Some swordes prepare: some their dere lord assist: In littour layd, they lead him vnkouth wayes: If so deceaue Antonius cruell gleaues(25) They might, and threats of folowyng routs escape. Thus lo, that Tullie, went, that Tullius , Of royall robe, and sacred senate prince: When he a far the men approch espieth,