[sig. Diiir]
And thus farewell vnkinde to whom I bent and bow, (70) I would ye wist the ship is safe that bare his sailes so low. Sith that a Lions hart is for a Wolfe no pray, With bloody mouth go slake your thirst on simple shepe I say, With more dispite and ire than I can now expresse, Which to my paine though I refrain, the cause you may wel gesse. (75) As for because my self was aucthor of the game. It bootes me not that for my wrath I should disturbe the same.
The faithfull louer declareth his paines
and his vncertein ioyes, and with
only hope recomforteth somwhat his wo-
full heart. +
I f care do cause men cry, why do not I complaine? If eche man do bewaile his wo, why shew not I my paine? Since that amongst them all I dare well say is none, So farre from weale, so full of wo, or hath more cause to mone. (5) For all thinges hauing life sometime haue quiet rest. The bearing asse, the drawing Oxe, and euery other beast. The peasant and the post, that serues at all assayes, The shipboy and the galley slaue haue time to take their ease, +Saue I alas whom care of force doth so constraine (10) To waile the day and wake the night continually in paine, From pensiuenes to plaint, from plaint to bitter teares, From teares to painfull plaint againe: and thus my life it weares. No thing vnder the sunne that I can heare or se, +But moueth me for to bewaile my cruell destenie. (15) For where men do reioyce since that I can not so, I take no pleasure in that place, it doubleth but my wo. And when I heare the sound of song or instrument, Me think eche tune there dolefull is and helps me to lament. And if I see some haue their most desired sight, (20) Alas think I eche man hath weal saue I most wofull wight. Then as the striken Dere withdrawes him selfe alone, So do I seke some secrete place where I may make my mone. +There do my flowing eyes shew forth my melting hart, So that the stremes of those two welles right well declare my smart.