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But while that I do cry and craue: I see that other be preferd, (5) I gape for that I am debard. I fare as doth the hound at hatch: The worse I spede; the lenger I watch. My wastefull will is tried by trust: My fond fansie is mine abuse. (10) For that I would refraine my lust: For mine auaile I cannot chuse, A will, and yet no power to vse. A will, no will by reason iust, Sins my will is at others lust. (15) They eate the hony, I hold the hyue. I sow the sede, they reape the corne. I waste, they winne, I draw they driue. Theirs is the thanke, mine is the scorne. I seke, they spede, in waste my winde is worne, (20) I gape, they get, and gredely I snatch: Till wurse I spede, the lenger I watch. I fast, they fede: they drink, I thurst. They laugh, I wayle: they ioy, I mourne. They gayne, I lose: I haue the wurst. (25) They whole, I sicke: they cold, I burne. They leape, I lye: they slepe, I tosse and turne. I would, they may: I craue, they haue at will. That helpeth them, lo, cruelty doth me kill.
Of the sutteltie of crafty
louers. +
S Uch waiward waies haue some when folly stirres their braines To fain & plain full oft of loue, when lest they fele his paines. And for to shew a griefe such craft haue they in store, That they can halt and lay a salue wheras they fele no sore. +(5) As hound vnto the foote, or dog vnto the bow, +So are they made to vent her out, whom bent to loue they know. That if I should discribe one hundred of their driftes, Two hūdred wits beside mine owne I should put to their shiftes No woodman better knowes how for to lodge his dere, (10) Nor shipman on the sea that more hath skill to guide the stere. Nor beaten dogge to herd can warer chose his game.