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Shall finde no iewell is so rich ne yet so rare, That with the frendly hart in value may compare. (5) What other wealth to man by fortune may befall, But fortunes changed chere may reue a man of all. A frend no wracke of wealth, no cruell cause of wo, Can force his frendly faith vnfrendly to forgo. If fortune frendly fawne, and lend thee welthy store, (10) Thy frendes conioyned ioy doth make thy ioy the more. If frowardly she frown and driue thee to distresse, His ayde releues thy ruthe, and makes thy sorow lesse. Thus fortunes pleasant frutes by frendes encreased be, The bitter sharp and sowre by frendes alayde to thee. (15) That when thou doest reioyce, then doubled is thy ioy, And eke in cause of care, the lesse is thy anoy. Aloft if thou do liue, as one appointed here, A stately part on stage of worldly state to bere: Thy frende as only free from fraud will thee aduise, (20) To rest within the rule of mean as do the wise. He seeketh to foresee the peril of thy fall. He findeth out thy faultes and warnes thee of them all. Thee, not thy luck he loues, what euer be thy case, He is thy faithfull frend and thee he doth embrace. (25) If churlish cheare of chance haue thrown thee into thrall, And that thy nede aske ayde for to releue thy fall: In him thou secret trust assured art to haue, And succour not to seke, before that thou can craue. Thus is thy frende to thee the comfort of thy paine, (30) The stayer of thy state, the doubler of thy gaine. In wealth and wo thy frend, an other self to thee, Such man to man a God, the prouerb sayth to be. As welth will bring thee frendes in louring wo to proue, So wo shall yeld thee frendes in laughing wealth to loue. (35) With wisedome chuse thy frend, with vertue him retaine: Let vertue be the ground, so shall it not be vaine.