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For pitye though my hart did blede, to se so piteous sight, My blood from heat to colde oft changed wonders sore: (70) A thousande troubles there I found I neuer knew before. Twene drede and dolour, so my sprites were brought in feare, That long it was ere I could call to minde, what I did there. But, as ech thing hath end, so had these payns of myne: The furies past, and I my wits restord by length of tyme. (75) Then as I could deuise, to seke I thought it best, Where I might finde some worthy place, for such a corse to rest. And in my minde it came: from thence not far away, Where Creseids loue, king Priams sonne, the worthy Troilus lay. By him I made his tomb, in token he was true: (80) And as to him belongeth well, I couered it with blew. +Whose soule by angels power, departed not so sone, But to the heauens, lo it fled, for to receiue his dome.
Complaint of the absence of
her louer being vpon
the sea. +
G Ood Ladies: ye that haue your pleasures in exile; Step in your fote, come take a place, & moorne with me a while And such as by their lordes do set but little price, Let them sit still: it skilles them not what chance come on the dice. (5) But ye whom loue hath bound by order of desire, To loue your lords, whose good deserts none other wold require: Come ye yet once again, and set your fote by mine, Whose wofull plight and sorowes great no tong may well define, My loue and lorde alas, in whom consistes my wealth, (10) Hath fortune sent to passe the seas in hazarde of his health. Whom I was wont tembrace with well contented minde: Is now amid the fomyng floods at pleasure of the winde. Where God well him preserue, and sone him home me send, Without which hope, my life (alas) were shortly at an end. (15) Whose absence yet, although my hope doth tell me plaine, With short returne he comes anone, yet ceaseth not my payne, The fearefull dreames I haue, oft times do greue me so: That when I wake, I lye in dout, where they be true, or no. Sometime the roaring seas (me semes) do grow so hye: (20) That my dere Lord (ay me alas) me thinkes I see him dye. An other time the same doth tell me: he is come: