[sig. Biiiiv]
(35) And left me but (alas) why did he so? And when the seas ware calme againe, To chase fro me annoye.My doutful hope doth cause me plaine: So dread cuts of my ioye. (40) Thus is my wealth mingled with wo, And of eche thought a dout doth growe, Now he comes, will he come? alas, no no.
Complaint of a diyng louer refused
vpon his ladies iniust mista,
king of his wri-
ting. +
I N winters iust returne, when Boreas gan his raigne, And euery tree vnclothed fast, as nature taught them plaine: +In misty morning darke, as sheepe are then in holde, I hyed me fast, it sat me on, my sheepe for to vnfolde. (5) And as it is a thing, that louers haue by fittes, Under a palme I heard one cry, as he had lost his wittes. Whose voyce did ring so shrill, in vttering of his plaint, That I amazed was to heare, how loue could him attaint. Ah wretched man (quod he) come death, and ridde this wo: (10) A iust reward, a happy end, if it may chauuce thee so. Thy pleasures past haue wrought thy wo, without redresse. If thou hadst neuer felt no ioy, thy smart had bene the lesse, And retchlesse of his life, he gan both sighe and grone, A rufull thing me thought, it was, to hear him make such mone, (15) Thou cursed pen (sayd he) wo worththe bird thee bare, The man, the knife, and all that made thee, wo be to their share. Wo worth the time, and place, where I so could endite. And wo be it yet once againe, the pen that so can write. Unhappy hand, it had ben happy time for me, (20) If, when to write thou learned first, vnioynted hadst thou be. Thus cursed he himself, and euery other wight, Saue her alone whom loue him bound, to serue both day & night. Which when I heard, and saw, how he himself fordid, Against the ground with blo
ody strokes, himself euen ther to rid: (25) Had ben my heart of flint, it must haue melted tho:
ody strokes, himself euen ther to rid: (25) Had ben my heart of flint, it must haue melted tho: