[sig. Bbiir]
And half to sinder, wast. As this is wonder for to se, Cold water warme the fire. (15) So hath your coldnesse caused me, To burne in my desire. And as this water cold of kinde, Can cause both heat and cold, And can these coales both breake and binde, (20) To burne as I haue told. So can your tong of frosen yse, From whence cold answers come: Both coole the fire and fire entice, To burne me all and some. (25) Like to the corne that standes on stake, Which mowen in winter sunne: Full faire without, within is black: Such heat therin doth runne. By force of fire this water cold, (30) Hath bred to burne within, Euen so am I, that heat doth hold, which cold did first begyn. which heat is stint when I do striue, To haue some ease sometime: (35) But flame a fresh I do reuiue, Wherby I cause to clime. In stede of smoke a sighing breath: with sparkes of sprinkled teares. That I should liue this liuyng death, (40) Which wastes and neuer weares.
The answer. +
Y Our borrowd meane to moue your mone, of fume withouten flameBeing set from smithy smokyng coale: ye seme so by the same. To shew, what such coales vse is taught by such as haue assayd, As I, that most do wish you well, am so right well apayd. (5) That you haue such a lesson learnd, how either to maintaine, Your fredome of vnkindled coale, vpheaped all in vaine: Or how most frutefully to frame, with worthy workmans art, That cunnyng pece may passe there fro, by help of heated hart. Out of the forge wherin the fume of sighes doth mount aloft,