[sig. Bbiiiv]
(15) Untolde heapes though we haue of worldly wealth, Though we possesse the sea and frutefull ground, Strength, beauty, knowledge, and vnharmed health, Though at a wish all pleasure do abound. It were but vaine, no frendship can be found, (20) when death assalteth with his dredfull dart. No raunsome can stay the home hastyng hart. And sith thou cut the liues line + in twaine, Of Henry, sonne to sir Iohn Williams knight, whose manly hart and prowes none could staine. (25) Whose godly life to vertue was our light, Whose worthy fame shall florish long by right. Though in this life so cruell mightest thou be, His spirite in heauen shall triumph ouer thee.
An other of the same. +
S Tay gentle frend that passest by, And learne the lore that leadeth all: From whence we come with hast to hye, To liue, to dye, and stand to fall. (5) And learne that strength and lusty age, That wealth and want of worldly woe, Can not withstand the mighty rage, Of death our best vnwelcome foe. For hopefull youth had hight me health. (10) My lust to last till time to dye, And fortune found my vertue wealth: But yet for all that here I lye. Learne also this, to ease thy minde: when death on corps hath wrought his spite, (15) A time of triumph shalt thou finde, with me to scorne him in delight. For one day shall we mete againe, Maugre deathes dart in life to dwell. Then will I thanke thee for thy paine, (20) Now marke my wordes and fare thou well.