[sig. Aiiiv]
S Uch waiward waies hath loue, that most part in discord Our willes do stand: whereby our harts but seldom do accord. Deceit in his delight, and to begile, and mock The simple hartes, whom he doth strike with froward diuers stroke. (5) He causeth thone to rage with golden burning dart, And doth alay with leaden cold again the other hart. +Whote glemes of burning fire, and easy sparkes of flame In balaunce of vnegal weight he pondereth by aime. From easy ford, where I might wade and passe ful wel, (10) He me withdrawes, and doth me driue into a depe dark hel, And me withholdes, wher I am cald, and offred place: And willes me that my mortall foe I doe beseke of grace. He lettes me to pursue a conquest welnere wonne, To folow where my paines were lost, ere that my sute begonne. (15) So by this meanes I know how soone a hart may turne, From warre to peace, from truce to strife, and so againe returne. I know how to content my self in others lust: Of litle stuffe vnto my self to weaue a web of trust: And how to hide my harmes with soft dissembling chere, (20) When in my face the painted thoughtes would outwardly apere. I know how that the blood forsakes the face for dred: And how by shame it staines again the chekes with flaming red. I know vnder the grene the serpent how he lurkes. +The hammer of the restles forge I wote eke how it workes. (25) I know and can by roate the tale that I would tel: But oft the words come furth awrie of him that loueth wel. I know in heat and cold the louer how he shakes: In singing how he doth complain, in sleping how he wakes: To languish without ache, sicklesse for to consume: (30) A thousand things for to deuise, resoluing all in fume. And though he list to see his ladies grace full sore. Such pleasures, as delight his eye, do not his health restore. I know to seke the track of my desired foe: And fear to finde that I do seke. But chiefly this I know, (35) That louers must transforme into the thing beloued, And liue (alas who would beleue?) with sprite from life remoued. I know in harty sighes, and laughters of the splene, At ones to change my state, my will, and eke my color clene. I know how to deceaue my self with others help: (40) And how the Lion chastised is by beating of the whelp. +In standing nere my fire, I know how that I freze: Far of I burne: in both I wast: and so my life I leze.