[sig. Aair]
Am I not she that loues the best? (230) Do I not wish thine ease and test? Seke I not how I may the please? Why art thou then so from thine ease? If I be she for whom thou carest, For whom in tormentes so thou farest: (235) Alas thou knowest to finde me here, Where I remaine thine owne most dere, Thine own most true thine owne most iust, Thine own that loues the styl and must. Thine own that cares alone for the, (240) As thou I thinke dost care for me. And euen the woman she alone, That is full bent to be thine owne. What wilt thou more? what canst thou craue? Since she is as thou wouldest her haue. (245) Then set this driuell out of dore, That in thy braines such tales doth poore. Of absence and of chaunges straunge, Send him to those that vse to chaunge. For she is none I the auowe, (250) And well thou maiest beleue me now. When hope hath thus his reason said, Lord how I fele me well apaide. A new blood then orespredes my bones, That al in ioy I stand at ones. (255) My handes I throw to heuen aboue, And humbly thank the god of loue. +That of his grace I should bestow, My loue so well as I it owe. And al the planets as they stand, (260) I thanke them to with hart and hand. That their aspectes so frendly were, That I should so my good will bere. To you that are the worthiest, The fairest and the gentillest. (265) And best can say, and best can do, That longes me thinkes a woman to. And therfore are most worthy far, To be beloued as you ar. And so saies hope in all his tale, (270) Wherby he easeth all my bale.