[Sig. Ddiir]
Nor scholeman to his fansie can a scholer better frame. Then one of these which haue old Ouids arte + in vre, Can seke the wayes vnto their minde a woman to allure. (15) As round about a hyue the Bees do swarme alway, So roūd about the house they prease wherin they seke their pray. And whom they so besege, it is a wonderous thing, What crafty engins to assault these wily warriers bring. The eye as scout and watch to stirre both to and fro, (20) Doth serue to stale her here & there where she doth come and go. The tong doth pleade for right as herauld of the hart: And both the handes as oratours do serue to point their part. So shewes the countenance then with these fowre to agree, As though in witnes with the rest, it would hers sworne be. (25) But if she then mistrust it would turne blacke to white, For that the woorrier lokes most smoth when he wold fainest bite. Then wit as counsellour a helpe for this to finde: Straight makes the hand as secretair forthwith to write his minde. And so the letters straight embassadours are made, (30) To treate in haste for to procure her to a better trade. Wherin if she do thinke all this is but a shewe, Or but a subtile masking cloke to hide a crafty shrewe: Then come they to the larme, then shew they in the fielde, Then muster they in colours strange, that waies to make her yeld (35) Then shoote they batry of, then compasse they her in, At tilt and turney oft they striue this selly soule to win. Then sound they on their lutes, then strain they forth their song. Then romble they with instrumentes to lay her quite a long. Then borde they her with giftes, then do they woo and watch. (40) Then night and day they labour hard this simple hold to catch, As pathes within a wood, or turnes with in a mase: So then they shew of wiles & craftes they can a thousand wayes.