[sig. N3v]
Euen so the Maid, when once hir flowre is lost, More deere than eie, or life, or what is most, (15) The loue and liking which she had before, Forgoeth quite, and she esteem’d no more.
Ladies Lenuoy to you that haue this prize, I reed ye hold your owne, if you be wise.
O Night, O ielious night, repugnant to my pleasures, +O night so long desir’d, yet crosse to my content, Ther’s none but onely thou that can performe my pleasures, Yet none but onely thou that hindereth my intent.
(5) Thy beams, thy spiteful beams, thy lamps that burn to brightly, Discouer all my traines, and naked lay my drifts, That night by night I hope, yet faile my purpose nightly, Thy enuious glaring gleame defeateth so my shifts.
Sweet night withhold thy beams, withhold them til to morow, (10) Whose ioyes in lack so long, a hell of torments breedes, Sweete night, sweete gentle night, doe not prolong my sorow, Desire is guide to me, and Loue no Loadstar needes.
Let Sailers gaze on stars and Moone so freshly shining, Let them that misse the way be guided by the light, (15) I knowe my Ladies bowre, there needes no more diuining, Affection sees in darke, and Loue hath eies by night.
Dame Cinthia couch awhile, holde in thy hornes for shining, And glad not lowring night, with thy too glorious raies, But be she dim and darke, tempestuous and repining, (20) That in hir spite, my sport may worke thy endles praise.
And when my will is wrought, then Cinthia shine good Ladie, All other nights and daies, in honour of that night, That happie heauenly night, that night so darke and shadie, Wherein my Loue had eies, that lighted my delight.