[sig. M4r]
Whom rigorouslie, the hedsman onward driueth To shamefull death, most heauily afflicted.
I onely liue, when I behold your shining, (10) Bright stars, rare lights, sweete authors of my gladnes, Absent from you, my hart in sorrow pining, Doth feede on teares, on anguish, griefe, and sadnes.
T O shun the death, my rare and chosen Iuell, +That couertly, within your eies soiourneth, I flie, and flying feele the fire, more cruell, Wherewith offended, loue my spirits burneth.
(5) A death most painfull, and the paine more bitter, Then I returne, resolued in opinion, Since I must die, neere, or farre of, tys fitter, To end my life, within hir eies dominion.
O then displaie (faire Eies) your influence, (10) That I, into the deeper flames ascending, Fall soone to ashes, by hir excellence, And better be contented with my ending.
O F all the woes my pensiue hart endureth, +It greeues me most, when I my sorrowes frame, I knowe not what, this wretchednes procureth, Nor whereupon I am to cast the blame.
(5) The fault is not in hir, for well I see, I am vnworthy of hir grace, in this,