[sig. M2v]
But now the clouds of sorrow ouergoes Your glorious skies, wherewith I am affrighted.
C Ease restles thoughts, surcharg’d with heauines, +Loue, fortune, and disdaine, with their endeuer, The forces of my life will soone disseuer, Without the sting of your vnquietnes.
(5) And thou oh hart, guiltie of my distresse, To harbor these faire foes, doost still perseuer, Whereby thou shewst false traitor, thou hadst leuerTheir conquest, than mine ease and happines.
T Hinking vpon the name, by Loue engraued, +Within my hart, to be my liues directer, The value of the whole entirely saued, I reade vpon the sillables this lecter, (5) Maruell, the first into my spirits soundeth, And maruelling at hir, the maruell woundeth.